Lift and Shift Strategy for Applications, VMs, Containers and Appliances

Anuj Varma is a regular speaker on Cloud Computing and Blockchain technologies. He also conducts youth camps to instill math, science and computer science curiosity in kids and young adults.

In this targeted, deep dive into the primary use case for cloud computing – Lift and Shift – Anuj describes the challenges and the tools to accomplish a successful migration.

Some Typical and Not So Typical Use Cases

  1. Lift and Shift VMs
  2. Lift and Shift  Applications (leaving the backend systems on-premises)
  3. Migrating a frequently updated app –  Maintain the actual application data using its most up-to-date state, but OS patches, updates, application configuration and more.
  4. Networking challenges – Migrating from multiple data centers, private IP space challenges in multiple segregated networks

What needs to be lifted and shifted?

  • Servers – Existing Instances include Physical hardware and Virtualized hardware
  • Storage (on premises) may include NAS, SAN or DAS
  • Network (on premises) may be MPLS, VPN, Hardware LB, DNS
  • Identity (on premises) – Active Directory, LDAP
  • Security – Firewalls, NACLs, Route Tables, Encryption, SSL Certificates and more.